Tuesday, February 15

Something for my sister...

I'll admit it. I haven't paid much attention at all to the fact the George Clooney and
Ryan Gosling have been in town shooting their new movie, "The Ides Of March" at
multiple locations around Cincinnati. Earlier in the week, Shannon sent me a link to
let me know Clooney and company stopped into the Blue Wisp Jazz Club, which is a
block from my apartment. The post said Ryan Gosling has become rather enamoured
with Cincinnati. Can you blame him?

"I just love Cincinnati. I had no idea what I was in store for. It has so much style and
it's got a lot of history. It's a beautiful place.”
-Ryan Gosling

Today they were shooting a scene downtown on Third Street this afternoon. And where
my workload today wouldn't let me get out of the office, some other folks went to gawk...
Clooney Watch
[Photo: John Stoughton]
Clooney Watch
[Photo: Ben Baker]
Yep, that's George Clooney. What I'm really excited about is the opportunity to go see
in a movie filmed in Cincinnati when it comes to theatres in December.

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