Thursday, November 19

At last we meet famous Mayberry BLT.

You might remember back on Monday when I told you how Mayberry used my photo
on their Urbanspoon profile and how I jokingly said, "You can pay me in BLTs." Well...
I got an email from Mayberry saying they had a BLT waiting for me on the house. OMGFTW!

Mayberry BLT, originally uploaded by thadd.
Oh geez. I think it was the most amazing BLT I have ever had in my entire life. EVER.
Scott Farm Pepper Bacon, Smoked Gouda and Leek Fondue with Roasted Tomato Compote.
OMG, SuperYum! FTW! And I HAD to get more of Mayberry's Tater Tot Casserole too...

Mayberry Tater Tot Casserole, originally uploaded by thadd.
What a lunch! Thanks Josh, Micah and everyone at Mayberry for the incredible hook-up!
Mayberry on Urbanspoon

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