Monday, November 2

This evening there was a brilliant full moon.

So I took my camera with me out on my walk with Milan. Maybe the full moon would
explain why he was so nuts on our walk tonight. He was pulling like crazy. But the
evening was really gorgeous and managed to get a few decent shots even with 55 lbs.
of muscle dragging me all over downtown Cincinnati. I guess Daylight Savings Time
is actually good for something. These photos were all taken around 7pm. Grr. :/

Downtown Cincinnati, originally uploaded by thadd.

Downtown Cincinnati, originally uploaded by thadd.

Downtown Cincinnati, originally uploaded by thadd.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely adore the top pic. It's somewhat eerie, yet serene. Uber-cool.
    Admittedly, I've never been to Cincy, but after seeing such sights, might consider it! (winks)
    Thanks for sharing these...Keep on! :)
