Monday, November 2

Check this out...

So Cincinnati Citybeat released their 2009 Cincinnati Music Award Nominees
and watch what I can do for the first four categories...

Artist of the Year: I saw five of eight bands nominated play live on Fountain Square.
Album of the Year: Again, I saw five of the eight play live.
New Artist of the Year: I only saw two of the eight but OMG, now I'm obsessed with
You, You're Awesome after seeing them play MPMF at CAC. So that should count for
extra points. Just saying.

Here's the kicker... In the Alternative/Indie category: I shot every one of the bands nominated.
Bad Veins:

Popopolis, originally uploaded by thadd.

Popopolis, originally uploaded by thadd.
The Seedy Seeds:

Popopolis, originally uploaded by thadd.
The Sundresses:

Midpoint Indie Summer, originally uploaded by thadd.

Popopolis, originally uploaded by thadd.
Each and every one of the bands played on Fountain Square at some point.

MidPoint's Indie Summer, originally uploaded by thadd.
Thanks for an amazing summer of music and photos!
Swoon. :)

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. Your work is great...Fountain Square is lucky to have you.
