toast their 13th anniversary. Eat well, love deeply and live long!

"La Bettola will be home to weekly entertainment and hand crafted, private label beers
created just for Bella Luna. Specialty beers include: Papa’s Secret Batch, a pre-prohibition
style lager and Gigi’s Redhead Ale, a red ale. Both are craft beers created by Cincinnati's
Listermann Brewing Company. Each of these beers, like the Welcome Home campaign,
reflects family and friends. Papa’s was named after owner Harry Stephens’ grandfather,
Angelo Scozzafava, whom Harry called respectfully called “Papa”. Gigi’s Redhead Ale is
affectionately named for his own favorite ‘redhead’, wife and co-proprietor Gay Stephens."
The two Listermann Brewing Company Bella Luna beer offerings on tap...

"Harry, Gay and family are excited to launch the Welcome Home campaign. “It's a true
reflection of Bella Luna’s foundation of friends and family. People venture out to try new
things, have experiences but it is always nice to be home with the people that you care
about,” comments Harry Stephens. Stephens goes on to say, “After thirteen years of
operation I still love to surprise my customers with exciting new dishes. We have become
a place where people celebrate life! Bella Luna is a place for fun, friends and family."

"Bella Luna is also excited to launch a brand new website with easy navigation for events,
menus and reservations. launched on March 24th and will be updated
with live entertainment and changing menu features."
It was a great night and a really fun event. I love getting to go to things like this. It's
really something special to be invited to share Bella Luna's special night with them. :)
Click to see all the photos I took Bella Luna's Welcome Home celebration.
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