Thursday, April 5

The Findlay Market Reds Opening Day Parade.

As traditions go, Cincinnati has pretty good thing going with their Reds Opening Day
festivities. It seems like all of downtown is buzzing with excitement and coated in
Red. I watched from my office as the people gradually filled Fountain Square in eager
anticipation of 93rd annual Findlay Market Opening Day Parade.
Reds Opening Day Parade
Reds Opening Day Parade
The parade stepped off from Findlay Market at 1pm...
Reds Opening Day Parade
And by 1:20pm-ish, the parade made it's way to Fountain Square...
Reds Opening Day Parade
Reds Opening Day Parade
Reds Opening Day Parade
Reds Opening Day Parade
And here's the view looking out the east side of our office building...
Reds Opening Day Parade
At 3:15pm, the parade was still going even though most of the spectators had moved on...
Reds Opening Day Parade
And finally at 3:45pm, the four mounted police officers marked the end of the parade.
Reds Opening Day Parade
Last year's parade was about an hour and a half, I guess everyone wants to get in on this
Cincinnati tradition. And this year, I think just about everybody in Cincinnati did! :)

Oh. Click to see my photos from the 2011 parade.
And click to see my photos from the 2010 parade.

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