Wednesday, March 2

Cyclones hockey game #16!

I met up with my buddy, Chuck to watch Cyclones take on the Reading Royals.
US Bank Arena
People must love their 1$ pulled pork sammiches because the ticket line was huge!
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
I can't wait for the play-offs to start. Maybe the 'Clones can get another one of these...
US Bank Arena
Twister was waiting for the elevator.
US Bank Arena
It's weird to see a mascot waiting for an elevator. It'd be even weirder to be in an
elevator with a mascot. Actually that would be pretty funny. Like an ESPN commercial.
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
The Cyclones shout-out Reading in the first period! FREE Wendy's chili for everyone!!!
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
There was more hockey and at the end of the second period the score was 2-2. I set off
to try to find myself some 1$ pulled pork sammiches. Until I saw the line, geezus...
US Bank Arena
But then I saw this guy walking passed with buns and decided to follow him.
US Bank Arena
And my move paid off, there was a concession stand that had sammiches and NO line!
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
I got back just in time to see Twister destroy another beer pyramid by just staring at it.
US Bank Arena
Half-way into the third period, the 'Clones took the lead 3-2!
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
And then held on to win the game!!!
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
US Bank Arena
Click to see all the photos I took at the Cyclones game.

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