Friday, November 26

Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in...

Happy Merry Black Friday! There are only soo many shopping days left until Christmas...
I hope you weren't trying to brave the cold and the undoubted sea of people, waiting in
a line like this, outside of some random big box store to get whatever item it is you so
desire at some "amazing deal," a mere fraction of the actual retail price...
I saw on the news that Kohl's opened at 3am. Three freakin' AM?!? Is it really worth it?
Kohls? Target and countless other big box stores opened at 4am. Sheesh. Ridiculous.
Must. Buy. More. Stuff. :/

I love that last photo with the girl on the left holding her Buy More Stuff sign in one hand,
and her large Starbuck's coffee in the other. "I'm poking fun at and/or protesting mindless
American consumerism but I'll totally support a global franchise that sells crap, overpriced
coffee. Because I need my non-fat latte as big as my head." LMAO. But at least she's cute.

But I digress... If you chose, have your Black Friday "fun."
I sincerely hope that you got some amazing deals. But please...

Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in.

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