Wednesday, April 28

This week has been pretty slow and relaxing.

I really don't have a lot going on this week. It's like the calm before the storm that
will be next week. So I've just been being wicked lazy and taking Milan on lotsa long walks.

Next week, the Reds are back in town versus the Mets on Monday and Tuesday. So keeping
with tradition, I have to see one of the two games. Tuesday, the Strauss Market opens for
another season on Fountain Square from 11am to 2pm. I want to check that out. Maybe
get some Taste of Belgium waffles since I never make it over to Findlay market. I'm booked
to shoot the big-fun Cinco de Mayo party on Fountain Square Wednesday night. Thursday
is open. On Friday, the Cubs come into town for a three game set against the Reds. I'm also
scheduled to shoot a wine tasting event on the Square on Friday. And there is a tweet-up
at Arnold's. Saturday, I'm going to see Cincinnati Ballet's Sammy Project in the afternoon
and then the Cubs game at night. In between those two events, I'm scheduled to shoot the
World Affair on the Square. Then finally on Sunday, the Cubs wrap up their series against
the Reds with an afternoon game. And after that I was going to swing back through the Square
to pick up a few more photos at the second day of the World Affair on the Square.
I'm going to need a weekend to recover from my weekend. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thadd! On June 4, Camera Obscura will be playing in Fountain Square for free!!!! YOU HAVE TO GO AND I AM GOING TO BE SO JEALOUS! I accidentally just missed them in San Francisco. Hate it when that happens.
