Monday, April 12

Seen and noted.

Cubs Win!
Cubs Win!
That downtown Cincinnati Cubs Win Flag makes another appearance. :)


  1. Why are you such a big Cubs fan? Are you from Chicago or something?

  2. I grew up in Southwestern Michigan and was raised
    a Cubs fan. The first ballgame I ever went to
    was a Cubs game at Wrigley. And I've just always
    loved the Cubs ever since. I'll support and cheer
    for the Reds just as long as the Cubs aren't in

    My second favorite baseball team is the Red Sox.
    My brother moved to Boston about eight years ago
    and became a Red Sox fan. So the Sox are my
    second favorite MLB team.

  3. Ahh, ok. That explains it. Sorry for your misfortune. ;)

  4. I'll give you perseverance Thadd, because it takes some kind of skill to lose that game on sunday despite the Legs batting woes...

    Soriano is a circus in left.

  5. No love for the Giants and the A's, hm?

  6. I can root for the Giants too!
    Timmy Lincecum is a monster on the mound.
