Sunday, April 4

Easter Brunch at Via Vite.

I went over to Via Vite on Fountain Square for Easter Brunch and to take some photos...
Via Vite
Via Vite
Via Vite
Via Vite
Via Vite
Via Vite
Via Vite
Via Vite
Via Vite
And here's what I had for brunch... Gazpacho with Jonas crab and fresh chive... Yum!
Via Vite
And... Roast Beef Fiorentina with rosemary, sage and sea salt with herb roasted potatoes
and garlic sauteed spinach... SuperYum! And I was stuffed like an Easter bunny.
Via Vite
And that was a shame because there were also Taste of Belgium waffles with Nutella...
Via Vite
Click to see all the photos I took at Via Vite's Easter Brunch.
Via Vite on Urbanspoon

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