Monday, February 15

A SNOto tour of downtown's snow clean-up.

Milan and I took a bit of a wander in the winter wonderland that is downtown Cincinnati.

tSNOnami, originally uploaded by thadd.
There was so much snow that the City of Cincinnati was using front loaders and dump
trucks to clear the roads to try and get a lot of the SNOpocalypse out of downtown.

tSNOnami, originally uploaded by thadd.

tSNOnami, originally uploaded by thadd.
We got a lot of snow... I'm not sure exactly how much but it's like a lot of the white stuff!

tSNOnami, originally uploaded by thadd.

tSNOnami, originally uploaded by thadd.
I loved the wonderful warm glow the parking garages lights were casting on the snow.

tSNOnami, originally uploaded by thadd.

tSNOnami, originally uploaded by thadd.

tSNOnami, originally uploaded by thadd.
Poor Boxter. I'll find a place for you in my garage if no one wants you anymore.

tSNOnami, originally uploaded by thadd.
No sitting out in the snow if you were mine. I'd give you a good home!

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