Monday, February 8

Tonight, I did a Broomball test shoot on Fountain Square.

I wanted to try out my new 55-200mm lens before I had to shoot the Broomball finals.

Broomball test-shoot, originally uploaded by thadd.

Broomball test-shoot, originally uploaded by thadd.

Broomball test-shoot, originally uploaded by thadd.

Broomball test-shoot, originally uploaded by thadd.

Broomball test-shoot, originally uploaded by thadd.

Broomball test-shoot, originally uploaded by thadd.

Broomball test-shoot, originally uploaded by thadd.

Broomball test-shoot, originally uploaded by thadd.
I think the new lens will do just fine at the Broomball finals next Wednesday.
Click to see all the photos I took at my Broomball test-shoot.

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