Monday, January 18

Freedom Center's "Without Sanctuary" opening.

This evening I went shoot photos for the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
opening of "Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America." They had some incredible
speakers and presenters that shed some light on the rather intense subject matter. But the
space in the Freedom Center was just absolutely incredible...

Without Sanctuary Opening, originally uploaded by thadd.

Without Sanctuary Opening, originally uploaded by thadd.

Without Sanctuary Opening, originally uploaded by thadd.

Without Sanctuary Opening, originally uploaded by thadd.

Without Sanctuary Opening, originally uploaded by thadd.

Without Sanctuary Opening, originally uploaded by thadd.

Without Sanctuary Opening, originally uploaded by thadd.

Without Sanctuary Opening, originally uploaded by thadd.
The exhibit of photography was incredibly well presented and very, very powerful.

Without Sanctuary Opening, originally uploaded by thadd.

Without Sanctuary Opening, originally uploaded by thadd.
If you find yourself in downtown Cincinnati, you really have to see this exhibit for yourself.
It's incredible and will leave a lasting impact. A definite must-see in Cincinnati.

Click to see all the photos I took at the Freedom Center's opening of Without Sanctuary.

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