Friday, October 2

What's better that $5 tickets to a Reds game?

FREE tickets to a Reds game! And I got a couple for tonight's game! FTW! The Reds
sent out a tweet this morning that said the first six fans to find Gapper on Fountain Square
at noon and say, "Twitter" would get two free tickets to tonight's game.

Gapper, originally uploaded by thadd.
And I was the second person to find Gapper and get two free tickets! Hooray, me!
I'll be sure and post a photo this evening from my FREE seats. Woot! FTW!

I took this photo of Carew Tower while I was waiting for Gapper to magically appear.

Fountain Square, originally uploaded by thadd.
After the ballgame, I'll be back on Fountain Square taking photos at Popopolis!
What a great way to start the weekend!

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