Sunday, October 11

Lost Egypt: Ancient Secrets, Modern Science

Today, I went over to Cincinnati Museum Center to check out their new exhibit...
Lost Egypt: Ancient Secrets, Modern Science. I love Egypt stuff. NatGeo got me hooked.

Cincinnati Museum Center, originally uploaded by thadd.

Cincinnati Museum Center, originally uploaded by thadd.

Cincinnati Museum Center, originally uploaded by thadd.

Cincinnati Museum Center, originally uploaded by thadd.
The exhibit was really pretty cool. But, I liked the Dinosaurs Unearthed exhibit a lot more.
Union Terminal is just breathtaking inside. You HAVE to see the Rotunda in person. Oh my.

Cincinnati Museum Center, originally uploaded by thadd.

Cincinnati Museum Center, originally uploaded by thadd.
After I was done wandering around Museum Center, I went to nada and got a bite to eat.

nada, originally uploaded by thadd.
It was a very educational, fun, multicutlural day. Another great Sunday.

Click to see all the photos I took at Cincinnati Museum Center and the Lost Secrets of Egypt exhibit.

ps. Congratulations to Cincinnati Museum Center on being named one of ten recipient
museums in the nation of the prestigious 2009 National Medal for Museum and Library Service.

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