Monday, September 21

I completely forgot to post this...

In all the pre-Oktoberfest excitement I forgot to tell you that in exchange for letting
the Midpoint Music Festival use a couple of my photos for some ads in Citybeat, they
are giving me all-access photography press pass credentials to wander in and out of
all the venues to take photos of the three day festival. How cool is that going to be?

Second Sundays, originally uploaded by thadd.
And 3CDC would like me to take photos of the MPMF at some of their venues on Friday.

This is going to be another amazing weekend. I can tell already. And it's only Tuesday. :)

ps. Midpoint Music Festival is September 24-26.
23 Stages, 270 performances with bands from 29 states and 7 countries.
Tickets are on sale now!

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