Friday, September 11

THE Cincinnati Beerfest.

This evening on the Square was THE Cincinnati Beerfest with over 170 different beers!
I guess it's THE Cincinnati Beerfest because there's a Cincinnati Beerfest but it's held
across the river in Kentucky. So apparently this is THE Cincinnati Beerfest because it's
actually in Cincinnati. I dunno, makes sense to me.

You purchased tickets (10 for $10) that were exchanged for a 3-oz taste (one ticket)
or a full 12-oz pour (4 tickets). They had all sorts of beers including two of my favorites
Bell's Brewery from my hometown of Kalamazoo, MI and Mt. Carmel Brewery of Cincinnati.

Cincinnati Beerfest, originally uploaded by thadd.

Cincinnati Beerfest, originally uploaded by thadd.

Cincinnati Beerfest, originally uploaded by thadd.

Cincinnati Beerfest, originally uploaded by thadd.
Click here to see all the photos I took at THE Cincinnati Beerfest.

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